If you have not read them,take time to read Part I and Part II
I had initially planned this post to evaluate possible solutions, however, in rereading my previous posts, it seemed redundant. I will simply say that placing the issue in the context of idolatry pretty much problematizes most solutions, the least problematic being replacing "He" with God, and "Himself" with "God's self". It gets clunky as I have said. Though, I only have a minor issue in terms of translation of using she instead of he in say the Psalms or the Creed. However, if people envision a female or something feminine when they are saying "She" in place of "He" I hardly see how we have solved the problem from the perspective I have taken.
Granted, there is the issue that women and men do apparently conceive of God as male. And I understand how this is a troubling issue especially for women, and for anyone concerned for justice. Ultimately, then we have an issue with the naming of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This leads some to claim that we have an all male Trinity. I appeal to the witness of Gregory of Nyssa, who I understand as representing in this instance the catholic and orthodox faith, saying that to say such is idolatrous. "Father" does not mean male. Father shows us a relation to the Second person of the Trinity, the Son, (also not intended to indicate Gender, though admittedly this gets complicated given that Jesus Christ is male). The Holy Spirit if following a certain linguistic logic might be conceived of as feminine, but that could be idolatrous as well. If we take the tradition seriously we should accept its witness that if we are conceiving of Father Son and Holy Spirit as masculine we are misconstruing the language. Common use is not theological use of language, Christian faith upsets our common understanding. Sometimes we need to sit with what has been received as Revelation. Of course this line of thinking has lead such 20th century philosophers as Wittgenstein to advise silence in the realm of the theological, understanding this "theological" use of language as well as much philosophical use of language as abuse of language. I would argue that language is more dynamic than Wittgenstein admitted, and that he advised silence because he couldn't see how to translate between language systems within even a single language like English. However, translation is always a problem, language is a problem that is unsolvable,and simply needs to be lived with.
But one may say even if all this about language and theological language is true, we still have people who use this language to assert the masculine nature of Christian faith and the Christian God. We have women who simply hear masculine language and feel excluded from the worship life of the church and distanced from a God that seemingly has no room for them. There are those large figures like Aquinas who have carried over from fallen cultures and philosophies the idea of the inherent inferiority of women, who interpret the mythology of the Fall as laying all the blame for Sin in the world at women's feet. And I agree this is a problem it is why although it is playing a little loose with translation, I supported when the RSV came out its translation of such words as adelphos, "brother", as "brother and sister". I do not believe that Paul or the Scriptures intended to exclude women by this masculine language. However, I would say such things are different from the way Jesus uses Father, and its use in the Name, Father Son and Holy Spirit.
I fully agree that a god as conceived as all male or masculine is deeply troubling and problematic, and even isn't an orthodox or catholic conception of God, Father Son and Holy Spirit. I think we have our current problem in part because Protestantism tends to be nominalist in its understanding of Theological language and rejected the analogical understanding perhaps most fully developed in Aquinas but found throughout the long tradition of the church. I have to admit that I have trouble giving an account for this understanding of theological language even though I recognize that this is how I have always understood theological language. Christianity in its orthodox and catholic forms has not claimed God as male or masculine, again Gregory of Nyssa is my primary exhibit concerning this claim. Julian of Norwich and a whole slew of mystics could probably be also brought to bear.
So I claim we don't need to change the language we use of God we need to change our understanding of language. Language is a complex business, our culture tends to be reductionist about language, it tends to be reduce meaning to singularities rather than multiplicities. However, language so conceived will always fail us, a language dominated by psychological and scientific models fails the spiritual reality of humanity. Our cultures love of science and understanding along objective lines tends towards the idolatrous. We need to reform our ways of conceiving language when it is used theologically and liturgically not reform our theological and liturgical language. Properly understood the theological language of the tradition and the liturgy and creeds opens us up to the mystical reality of our the analogical relationship of God to humanity and creation. God is not like us and yet the very center and source of our being, even as male and female. To image God though does not mean that God is or ever was gendered like us,nor even some combination of our sexed and gendered selves. I have argued that Revelation and tradition being faithful to that revelation has used "Father" and "Father Son and Holy Spirit" in pronouncing the Name has never meant that God was male or masculine, we do though need to recover what that meaning was for it is clear to me that it has been lost to our detriment.
I say this because either "Father" and "Father Son and Holy Spirit" are and always have been idolatrous or the weren't and are not. Obviously from these posts one knows that I do not view those usages as idolatrous.
The question then is how do we get women and men to see beyond gender in the Name, Father Son and Holy Spirit. I admit that seems a tricky, enterprise but not impossible, or so my own genderless image of God as one who has always known God as Father, and spoken the Name Father Son and Holy Spirit.
I am at a loss though, for I never made the journey I seem to be asking everyone else to make, from hearing in Father Son and Holy Spirit, an all male deity, to encounter something else in Father Son and Holy Spirit, something beyond gender, beyond conception beyond knowledge, beyond human experience.
As usual, Larry, I like to take a more experiencial and less theological approach to the question. Therefore... One of my favorite hymns is "Be Thou My Vision". The lyrics on the second verse have usually been "Be thou my Father and I thy true son." but newer hymnals often have, "Thou my great Father, thy child shall I be." This doesn't deal with the gender of God but rather understanding our relationship with God. I like the Father/son imagery better than the Father/child imagery. Not because I think that "son" should be gender neutral and such and women should just accept that they are included, but not included in the statement (I heartily support inclusive language and sometimes get in trouble with my congregation for using it) but rather because there is something being said in the relationship when it is talking about God as our Father and us as God's son.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, my favorite version of "Be Thou My Vision" has the Father/son language, but it happens to be sung by a female. It makes the "son" not about gender but about relationship... just as the church is the Bride of Christ.
I'm currently studying Hosea for a class I'm teaching on OT prophets (and sermons on the same subject. Hosea looks at God's love for us and compares it to the love between a man and his unfaithful wife. But Hosea also has God speak of Israel (in chapter 11 particularly) like a mother speaks about her wayward child. "I'm the one who taught Israel to walk... I bent down to feed you... I held you to my cheek." It sounds very motherly to me, and I love that Hosea moves past the unfaithful bride imagery (that he understands so clearly because of his own life) and moves into this parent/mother imagery, equally as powerful.
Anyway, as usual, I'm not sure if I've added anything to what you were saying, but here are a few thoughts I have about the issue.
You are too modest, your comments I think to help this discussion along.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of the language of "Be Thou My vision", it seems you are making the point that the metaphor is not gendered in the way it would be if I was simply speaking of human relationships. But I wonder if the accusation could be laid on your experience that of course you (as a man) find the Father/son imagery compeling, but how does a woman enter into that imagery and understand that relationship. What is being conveyed by Father/son that Mother/daughter doesn't or Father/child?
The Hosea imagery seems to be fairly common in the Old Testament, so I am often puzzled by claims that Hebrew and Christian notions of God being primarily gendered along the lines of the masculine. I also wonder why in the 2oth century it has been so difficult to hold the mother imagery of Hosea and other parts of Scripture simultaneously with naming the Trinity as Father Son and Holy Spirit. It really is puzzeling why male dominance has such a sway when Scripture and tradition don't really uphold that at all.
I guess I don't think that the Father/son relationship is better than Father/child, I just think that it emphasizes different aspects of the relationship. Father/son deals with some issues of heredity in a way that Father/child does not. It is especially meaningful to me as an adopted son. It is describing a part of our relationship with God, but not limiting that relationship either.
ReplyDeleteI am in no way against the other version of Be Thou My Vision, with the child imagery as I understand how the son imagery can be excluding to women, but that's why I like the concept of a woman singing it with "son".
It's like, there's a hymn in the Covenant Hymnal, #511, "Gather Us In", the second verse begins... "We are the young, our lives are a mystery; we are the old, who yearn for your face..." Our song leaders one Sunday were a family with children and their parents singing. I specifically asked the parents to sing the first half about being young, and the children to sing about being old. It was a way of trying to help people fit into the skin that is not theirs, and see the bigger picture about our experience before God.
I wasn't saying that you were saying that Father/son was better than Father/child, but you did seem to be saying that there was something lost when "child" was used instead of "son". And was wondering if you could articulate how that could be not exclusively gendered.
ReplyDeleteYour example of a woman singing the Father/son version, and your example of how you had "Gather us in" sung, leads me to further wonder if there are also more creative ways of dealing with these issues, and helping people look beyond possible oppression (which I will not deny exists and has existed) to see beyond our categories and ways of identifying.
Is it possible for men to hear masculine images and words and not simply assume they are simply addressed, can women hear in these something other than an androcentric reality?
Quote: "I wasn't saying that you were saying that Father/son was better than Father/child, but you did seem to be saying that there was something lost when "child" was used instead of "son". And was wondering if you could articulate how that could be not exclusively gendered."
ReplyDeletePerhaps if I look at it this way. There are a number of church women's organizations with books out for women. One major evangelical one is "Women of Faith". At their events, which Lisa and a group from our church went to, they have a number of books written to women about their relationship with God. The books very much take a gendered approach to that relationship. They like to talk about being "Daddy's Little Girl". I think this, for a certain group, is probably a good thing. It helps them to see that God has relationships with women as well as men and God's relationship with them is not one where they need to give up their gender to truly be followers of God. But... at the same time, this approach overdefines our relationships with God as dealing with our genders. I wonder how much I can learn from being "Daddy's little girl".
In college (and Seminary), in communication classes, the professor would talk about different communication styles and the difference in the ways that women and men process things. I would go away from those classes thinking, "I am a woman". Now, in my relationship with my wife, I realize how untrue this is. I fit many of the male patterns they described muc more than the female ones, but, that being said, I do have a feminine side and women have a masculine side and each of us need to learn how to approach God in our whole being.
As for Father/son verses Father/child. I think that I like to look at that in relational terms and not gender terms. Father/son is more specific as it mentions a relationship. Just like Father/daughter would be more specific and would be describing a slightly different relationship. At the same time, most people when they hear it hear not the relationship but the gender and therefore it is probably better to go with Father/child so people will not feel excluded (maybe Father/heir might be a good way to go, and maybe it is me reading in the concept of heir when I sing son). But, then, there are other ways to be inclusive other than changing the language, and that is where we need to learn to be creative in our communicating... like having a woman sing about their relationship to God as a son (which would be much more socially acceptable than having a man sing about their relationship with God as a daughter).
So, in the end, I feel that it is probably best to go with gender-neutral language so that everyone can be included. But this isn't going to keep me from trying to find ways to talk about relationships that people think of in terms of gender by switching up the genders and (hopefully) help them to see past the gender issue.
I don't think you can go gender neutral until God does. He uses gender in His word. I think you have to accept it at face value.
ReplyDeleteThe church of course is referred to as the bride of Christ; men are members of that church, yet must acknowledge that they are part of the bride of Christ.
God is referred to as a shepherd, and we His people to sheep. He is referred to as a vine, and we are the branches. I don't think we get to change these words or imagery if we are not comfortable being sheep or branches.
ReplyDeleteYou make an interesting point. I'd like to push you a bit on it, though.
When God is referring to the Church as the "Bride of Christ" what is it that God is saying about the church? When God calls us sheep what is he saying about us? I don't believe that the Bible is actually saying that we are sheep. No, the Bible is saying that our relationship with God is like the relationship between sheep and a Shepherd. So, the imagery that God uses is designed to help us understand our relationship with God. But... what happens if you are around people who don't know or understand sheep at all. Does this imagery mean anything to them, is it at all useful?
I grew up thinking myself as one of God's sheep and to me this meant that Jesus walked around with a white robe on and a staff and perhaps he carried me. I related it to a famous painting I know. But moving to Iowa and having members of my church who used to raise sheep, my understanding of this changes. They told me how horribly untrainable and self-centered and airheaded sheep can be. Now being God's sheep is more real to me. I belong to God's flock, but I'm not the follower that I'd like to be. I'm constantly trying to run off and do my own thing, but Jesus is going to chase after me, no matter what, because of his great love for me (and all his people). So, again, I ask, what does it mean to be God's sheep. It's not enough to say it, I want to understand it.
And this is the same discussion that Larry and I are having about gender. We are trying to understand what it means to be in relationship with a God who is greater than any boxes we can put him in and larger than any labels we can give him.