Monday, May 02, 2011

Beginning a New blog and other possible changes

I have been feeling that some changes need to take place here at Priestly Goth Blog.  The current shape of this blog is the third iteration of the Priestly Goth Blog.  I will continue posting here on various subjects of art culture, faith and things goth.  However, the new blog I am thinking will deal mainly with my thoughts on what it means to be church, and my searches and researches in ecclesiology.  I may move/repost some old blog posts that were first published here over at this new blog.  I am working on a name, that will reflect the subject of the blog and its connection to this blog and reflect that the reflections there are from the Priestly Goth.

I am thinking of using Word Press for this blog,  this could also mean moving this blog to a Word Press website. If anyone has any thoughts on these plans and changes for this blog and a new one, and having a website, I welcome your thoughts.