I first was introduced to Dead Can Dance in 1990 or 1991 they band had been in existence for three or four years. A friend of mine was playing their latest album at the time while a group of our friends gathered at his place to go out. We were struck by the distinctiveness of the sound and spirit of the band. I went out soon after and found one of their albums. I had recently turned 21 and was beginning to attend Goth clubs on occasion with my friend, hadn't yet self-identified as goth. I have followed Dead Can Dance and Brendan Perry and Lisa Gerrard ever since. I have been anxiously awaiting Perry's next Album just now being Released, Ark.
I love this track from it, Utopia. Something about it makes me think of the Song of Songs, in that one can read and hear it as a love song and yet it also has an incredible multi-valence, opening up onto a quite large spiritual vista.
Just heard today this track from the album, Babylon:
I don't have a simlar experience with the Cocteau Twins. Though I have loved this band for a very long time. I haven't followed Robin Guthrie's or Elizabeth Frasier's solo careers as closely as Perry's or Gerrard's. I think I owend one album of thiers maybe two (my CD collection was stolen in 1999 shortly after moving to Chicago, I replaced much of the dead Can Dance, did not with the Cocteau Twins) Like much music in the realm of the goth subculture, Cocteau Twins were a band I heard at clubs, listened to at friends houses. Both Dead Can Dance and Cocteau Twins for me create a part of the ambiance and texture of what is goth, the ambiant, etherial and meditative aspects. Though I suppose on a certain level neither band is goth as such.
Here is something from Robin Guthrie:
I am thinking about all this because tonight my wife is taking me for an early birthday gift to the Brendan Perry Robin Guthrie concert at the Merto. I am very much looking foward to it. Dj. Scary Lady Sarah is spin for the concert
Lastly here is Perry talking about his new Album Ark:
Brendan Perry - Ark
Brendan Perry | Myspace Music Videos