Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Moment of Quiet in a Time of Activity

Writing on a cool summer day, unseasonably so for late June in Chicago.  Listening to some Dark Wave and Death Rock.  I simply had the time or energy to do much with my blog or social media, posting now and again.

We don't have a worship service this evening at Reconciler,  so I can take it easy.
Thought I might have something percolate up, but nothing is coming.

All I have is thoughts of an, at this moment, uncertain future for the Community of the Holy Trinity, as we are still in need of space to move into by August 1, and waiting for the last thing to fall in place for the first members of the Order of Jesus Christ, Reconciler to take their vows and officially form the Order.  And thinking that I'm finding it difficult to keep up with all the connections and relationships, those mediated virtually and those maintained by physical contact.  But I also have some recent blog posts that you may have missed.

If you missed it last week I preached for Reconciler's Requiem Eucharist last Sunday.  You can find that here  on Reconciler's blog.  It is one of the best sermons I have preached in awhile, in my opinion.

Here, and here you can find some reflections on the why we Reconciler had our requiem, both in terms of our life as a worshiping community and my own spiritual journey.

Also, I'm a reviewer for Speakeasy.  My latest Review's are Daisy Rain Martin's Juxtaposed and an overdue  review I had written and then forgot to post, a novel about atheism, Christian apologetics and losing faith, Cross Examined by Bob Seidensticker.

That is all, now back to enjoying this brief respite in what is a very full ,a bit chaotic, and productive time of life. Hope you enjoy some of what I have written recently.

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