Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Well I missed this...

Tripp linked to AKMA's brief reflection on the Philosopher Richard Rorty's death. He died Friday June 8th. The New York Times article can be found here. Should any of my readers have missed this news as well.
Like AKMA I will miss Rorty. Rorty (while I have by no means read most of what he wrote) has long been a conversation partner through his writings. He was often referenced in conversations discussions and arguments we had in the Society.


  1. Hey. I have never heard of the guy...other than AKMA's reflection. Interesting stuff?

  2. Hmm, that is interesting. He was also referenced in most of my Religious Studies courses (except the NT courses). He also came up not infrequently in my seminary courses. I would have thought you would have come across him as well.
